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eigen function中文是什么意思

用"eigen function"造句"eigen function"怎么读"eigen function" in a sentence


  • 本征函数
  • 特征函数


  • Assembly model of the pro / engineer cad / cam does not support the interference check of assembly path and process . to resolve this problem , this paper put forward a method which directly takes advantage of the eigen functions of pro / engineer . that is : planning path and simulating dynamically under skeleton , setting interference conditions and simulation degree under relation of pro / program , realizing the interference check with the man - machine interchange
    本文从装配的概念及发展现状、装配模型的建立、装配的评价体系等系统地阐述了产品虚拟装配的过程和重要性,并对虚拟装配的操作平台pro engineer作了一个简单的介绍,针对pro engineercad cam软件assembly模块中不能体现装配路径及过程干涉的问题,提出了在组合件的skeleton下规划装配路径和动态仿真、在pro program的relation下设定干涉条件和仿真程度、以及通过人机交互解决干涉的方法。
  • The paper is concerned with the eigen functions of optical fields in dielectrics , the theories of optical waveguide eigen mode , the characteristics of optical waveguides diffracted field , the theories of mode coupling in optical waveguides and the spectral response theories and simulating method for arrayed waveguide grating . in this paper , a set of beam propagation theory based on eigen modes analysis is set up which afforded theoretical basis for designing and analyzing awg devices . experiment of fabricating sio _ ( 2 ) layer by using porus silicon is also carried out in this paper , which is a new method for fabricating waveguide cladding layer
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